- Convection dryers are often used for drying solids in food technology. The SMT-CP-112 can be used to investigate and demonstrate the process of convection drying of granular solids. Four corrosion resistant removable plates are available for drying the solid. They are placed in a drying channel.
- The plates containing the solid to be dried are exposed to an air flow in the channel. The air flow heats the solid and also removes any moisture released. Air velocity can be adjusted by the speed of a fan. An adjustable heater allows the heating of the air. The transparent door in the drying channel allows the drying process to be observed.
- A digital balance can be used to follow the changes in weight of the solid due to evaporation or vaporization of moisture during operation.
- The air temperature and the relative humidity of the air are measured and digitally displayed by a single combined temperature and humidity sensor before and after the air flow passes over the solid. A further sensor measures the air velocity.
- The relevant measured parameters (changes in weight, humidity, temperature, air velocity) can be transferred directly to a PC, where they can then be further processed.
- The unit has 7-inch Touch LCD display for visualization of process and the measurements. The Unit is also connected to Software for computer connectivity and data analysis. The Touch screen and computer software is included in the package.
- The unit has floor mount steel structure with base locking wheels.
- All parts and components are imported. This System has digital instrumentation for flow, temperature and Humidity measurements.