Medical Equipment

Creep Testing Apparatus (SMT-SM-12)

    • This Apparatus uses specimens of lead and different plastics which creep significantly at room temperature and under low loads. Its main part is a simple lever (load beam) with a mechanical advantage of 8:1. The load beam gives a steady and uniform tensile load. A digital indicator measures the extension (creep) of the specimen under load. To ensure correct loading of the specimen, the load beam has a ball-bearing pivot. To apply a load, you can add weights to a weight hanger and measure time and the creep. For effect-of- temperature tests, the student freezes or heats a cool- pack and places it next to the specimen. They then fit the transparent enclosure to preserve the temperature around the specimen during the test. Students may record and plot results by hand, using a timer and the readings from the digital indicator and digital temperature indication.
    • The unit has Touch LCD display for visualization of process and the measurements. The Unit is also connected to Software for computer connectivity and data analysis. The Touch screen and computer software is included in the package.